Books Read (63)

Books Read in 2024

Buzz Aldrin(2016). No dream is too high: Life lessons from a man who walked on the moon.National Geographic partners.

Jim C Collins(2001). Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap and Others Don’t. Harpercollins

Sarah Silverton(2016). The mindfulness key: The breakthrough approach to dealing with stress, anxiety and depression. Watkins Media Limited.

Books read in 2023

Brianna Wiest (2020). The mountain is you: Transforming self-sabotage to self-mastery. Thought Catalog Book

Garcia and Mitalles(2016). IKIGAI: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life. Penguin Random House.

Joseph Murphy(2008). The power of your subconscious mind.Penguin Publishing Group.

Tania Bright(2015). Don’t beat yourself up:learning the wisdom of Kindsight.Monarch Books.

Susan Jeffers(1987). Feel the fear and do it anyway:How to turn your fear and indecision into confidence and action. Century Hutchinson ltd.

Paulo Coelho(2006). The Alchemist.HarperCollins Publisher.

Books Read in 2022

Brigid Delaney (2022). Reasons not to worry: How to be stoic in chaotic times.Griffin Press.

Yukari I kane (2014). Haunted Empire: Apple after Steve jobs. HarpersCollinsPublisher.

The Dalai Lama(1999). Words of wisdom: selected quotes from His Holiness.Double Bay NSW.

Keith Punch(2003). Developing Effective Research Proposal. Sage Publication Ltd.

James Clear(2018). Atomic Habits: An essay and Proven Way to Build Good habits and Break Bad ones.Penguin Random House.

Books read in 2021

Nima Wangmo(2021). The Imprisoned Mind.Q-Repro Graphics.

Peter Thiel (2014). Zero to One: Notes on startups, or How to build the future. Penguin Random House UK

Stephen R. Covey (2011). The 3rd Alternative: Solving Life’s Most Difficult Problems. FranklinCovey Co.

Arun Kapur(2010). Leading out: The True Purpose of Education. Ramesh Press.

Wiking, M.(2016). The Little Book of Hygge: The Danish way to live well. Penguin Random House.

Garcia and Mitalles(2016). IKIGAI: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life. Penguin Random House.

Harari Y. N. (2018). 21 Lessons for the 21st Century. Penguin Radom House.

Lee Kuen Yew(2000). From Third world to FIRST: The Singaporean Strory from 1965-2000. HarperCollins Publishers

Gorilla Archarya(2020). Byline:selected writings,2001-2019. Mad monks Books.

Mitch Albom(1997) . tuesdays with Morrie: an old man, a young man, and life’s greatest lesson.Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, Inc.

Harari, Y.N.(2014). Sapiens: A brief history of humankind. Harvil Secker.

Sharma, R. (2014). Who will cry when you die? Jacob Publishing House.

Duhigg C.(2012). The Power of Habit: Why we do what we do and how to change. Random House Books

Kiyosaki, R.T. (2012). Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the rich teach their kids about money-that the poor and middle class do not! Plata Publishing,LLC.

Lama Yeshe (2003). Becoming Your Own Therapist: Expanded edition including Make Your Mind an Ocean. The Cooperate Body of the Buddha Educational Foundation

Covey, S. R. (1999). Stories of Hope and Inspiration: living The 7 Habits.Franklin Covey co.

Powdyel, T.S. (2019). Gyal-Khab: Reflection on State, Citizen, and Citizenship Education.Thimphu, Bhutan.

Books read in 2020

Tshering(2020). The Smiling Moon: A Biography of 69th Je Khenpo His Holiness Gendun Rinchen.New Delhi, India.

Creswell, J. W. (2019). Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. New Delhi:SAGE Publication India Pvt Limited.

Sengupta, S. (2016). The end of Karma: Hope and fury among India’s Youth. India: HarperCollins Publishers.

Gupta, A. K. (2016). Grass root innovation: Minds on the margin are not marginal minds. India: Penguin Random House.

Sadhgure (2020). Death: An inside story. Haryana: Penguin Random House India Limited.

Dilgo Khyentse (n.d). Brilliant Moon: The autobiography of Dilgo Khyentse. South Asia: Shambhala. Translated by Ani Jinba Palmo in 2012.

Kalam, APJ (2013). My Journey: Transforming Dreams into Actions.New Delhi: Rupa Publications India Pvt. Ltd.

Hill, N. (2019). Think and grow rich.New Delhi: Nutech Print Services.

Dalai Lama(2011). How to be compassionate: A handbook for creating inner peace and a happier world.Uk: Random House Group Company.

Bedi, K. (2011). I dare! Revised and enlarged edition. New Delhi: Hay House Publishers Pvt. Ltd.

Manson, M. (2016). The subtle art of not giving a fuck: A counter intuitive approach to living a good life. Manipal: Manipal Technologies Limited.

Sharma, R. (2015).The 5 AM Club: Own your morning, elevate your life.Mumbai: Jaico Publishing House.

Richard, M. (2006). Happiness: A guide to developing life’s most important skill. USA: Little, Brown and Company.

Covey, S. R. (2004). The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Great Britain: Simon & Schuster UK Ltd.

Khera, S. (2014). You can sell: Result are rewarded, effort aren’t .India: Bloomsbury Publishing India Pvt. Ltd.

Gautier, F. (2010). The Guru of Joy: Sri Sri Ravi Shankar & The Art of Living.India: Thomson Press LTD.

Quilliam, S. (2003). Positive Thinking. Great Britain: Dorling KIndersley Limited.

Fowler, S. (2014). Why motivating people does not work and what does: The new science of leading, energizing and engaging.USA: Berrett-Koehler Publisher. Inc.

Prasas, TGC (2013). Working hard is not good enough. India: Random House Publishers India Private Limited.

Bradberry, T. & Greaves, J. (2009). Emotional Intelligence 2.0( 1st edition). USA: Talentsmart.

Karma Ura (1995). The hero with a thousand eyes: A historical novel. Thailand:Allied Printers.

Mandela, N. (1995). Long Walk to Freedom: The autobiography of Nelson Mandela. USA: Back Bay Books/Little, Brown and Company.

Maraniss, D. (2012). BARACK OBAMA: The Making of the Man. Great Britain: MPG Books Group.

Pema Wangchuk (2020). Turning Point: A real story.

Rockwell, I (2002). The five wisdom energies: A Buddhist way of understanding personalities, emotions and relationships. United States of America: Shambhala Publications, inc.

Books read in 2019

Schmidt, M. B. (2004). Dzogchen Essentials: The path that clarifies confusion (First Edition). Kathmandu, Nepal: Rangjung Yeshe Publications.

Khyentse, J. D. (2012). Not for happiness: A guide to the so-called preliminary practices. Boston: Replika Press Pvt. Ltd.

Chade-Meng, T. (2014). Search Inside Yourself: The Secret to Unbreakable Concentration, Complete Relaxation and Effortless Self-Control (2nd Edition). Lodon: Harper Collins Publishers.

Sonam Tashi & Riku Dhan Subba (2019). In love with butterflies and other stories. Bhutan: Bhutan Printing Solutions.

Books read in 2018

Clarke, S. (2005). Formative assessment in the secondary classroom. UK: British Library Cataloging in publication Data.

Cowie, B., Moreland, J. & Otrel-class, K. (2013). Expanding Notions of assessment for learning: Inside science and technology learning. The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.

Chablop Passang Tshering (2018). Passu Diary. Bhutan: Bhutan Printing solutions.